In my Gifted and talented class, we watched a tv show called 30 days and it starred morgan spurlock who lived with minimal wage for a month. Based on what i saw in the show, a lot of things surprised me. However one incident surprised me the most, when both morgan and his girlfriend (alex) got hurt and had to go to the hospitol, the total price for them to go to the hospitol was over $1000. They didnt even get hurt that bad, morgan strained his wrist and didnt even need much attention they just gave him a cast, and alex got an infection and they gave her pills. Alex's bill was above $450, and morgans was above $500. Included in morgans bill was an ace bandage that costed $40. I think it is riiculous that the price to step inside the emergency room is that high and that they priced an ace bandage at $40. how can anyone expect to live off of minimal wage if they get hurt and go to the emergency room.
I believe that this is an accurate portrayal of what life is like when living on minimal wage, because they lived it. Morgan and Alex lived off of minimal wage and expierienced the struggles when living off the minimal wage. When living on minimal wage, you need to watch every cent you got and not waste your money on things you really dont need. For example, when morgan spent $1.20 on cinamon buns and alex yelled at him for it, that is really what life is like for people living on minimal wage.
From watching this movie, i learned a lot about people living on minimal wage. I learned about their struggles and what it is like to live on minimal wage. I learned that hospitols overprice things way too much and if you need to go to the hospitol when living on minimal wage, its basically a death sentence. I learned that people living on minimal wage n eed to count and save every cent they have.
Anthony's Blog
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Thursday, May 3, 2012
A look at Poverty in the Congo

This picture displays a war orphan named mugisa who has several machete scars on the top of his head. Mugisa was left for dead after a lendu militiaman hacked his mother and seven siblings to death. This picture surprises me, because when i normally think of war i dont think of children being harmed and killed. It surprises me that the militiamen have no mercy. Picture taken by (REUTERS/Finbarr O'Reilly)

In this picture, a boy is standing with a gun posing while ready to defend his village from attacks. He is part of a local defense force in his village of Bangadi. Like in the last picture, i am surprised at the contents of this one. Just like i said before, i normally dont think of children being involved in a war or battle. This kid doesnt look like he is out of his teens yet, but he is part of his villages defense group and carrying a gun around. Its really surprising. (REUTERS/Finbarr O'Reilly)

This picture displays local defense fighters in the village of Bangadi in February 18, 2009, just like the teen in the last picture.They have armed their defense force with local made weopons, and have repelled two LRA attacks who have killed 900 Congolese citizens since December. I respect thiese people, and when faced with destruction and death they stare it in the eye and fight back. I respect the courage they have when fighting the LRA. (REUTERS/Finbarr O'Reilly)
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
In My Gifted and Talented one class we watched a movie called wasteland. In wasteland the famous artist Mr. Vik Muniz went to the landfills and created art based on what he saw in the landfills. There were various pieces of art created from the landfill. The piece of art that went for the most amount of money was the picture of Tiao, who is the president ACAMJG which is an orginazation of recycling pickers. The picture of Tiao went for $50,000. My reaction to what i saw in the movie is one of surprise. I was surprised about how much garbage was in the landfill. Vik Muniz described the landfill as a city of garbage, with thousands of people scrambling about. I feel bad for the people who work at the landfill, but they didnt seem to mind working at the landfill, and they said that they take pride in what they do. I still feel bad for the people at the landfill, even after watching the movie and even if they dont mind their job and take pride in it. Although the conditions of ACAMJG has changed since Vik. Vik created art that showed the conditions of the job, and showed the harsh reality of it which is what makes the art beautiful.
The art that Vik created is being sold and the profit is going toward the orginization, and going towards the workers. For example the $50,000 that Tiao made from the picture went towards creating a library at the ACAMJG office, many of the workers at ACAMJG dont have any sort of education. Most of the workers only know how to talk, some dont know how to read and write. So creating a library goes a long way to help educate the workers.
After watching wasteland, and seeing how much garbage was in the landfill, it made me think of how much garbage my family produces. I feel like my family produces too much garbage, and we should produce less. Because after seeing that landfill, i realized that we really need to reduce how much garbage we produce, becuase like i said before. The landfill was literally a city made out of garbage. Eventually the world will run out of space to put the garbage, and at that point well have a major problem on our hands. I dont want to live in a world like that. However, my family already recycles, and the only way i can think of right now in which we could reduce our output of garbage, is to consume less products in a day or a week. Less food or products consumed, less wrappers and garbage left behind. I know that i will try and reduce how much garbage i produce to try and prevent building another city of Garbage.
Vik Muniz really helped the community around ACAMJG in Brazil, i know that Vik could help other communities that live in poverty. There are lots of areas that live in poverty in the United states and other countries around the world. Vik could really help these people get on their feet and really help and improve the community they live. He could really help them provide oppurtunities for themselves like he did in Brazil.
The art that Vik created is being sold and the profit is going toward the orginization, and going towards the workers. For example the $50,000 that Tiao made from the picture went towards creating a library at the ACAMJG office, many of the workers at ACAMJG dont have any sort of education. Most of the workers only know how to talk, some dont know how to read and write. So creating a library goes a long way to help educate the workers.
After watching wasteland, and seeing how much garbage was in the landfill, it made me think of how much garbage my family produces. I feel like my family produces too much garbage, and we should produce less. Because after seeing that landfill, i realized that we really need to reduce how much garbage we produce, becuase like i said before. The landfill was literally a city made out of garbage. Eventually the world will run out of space to put the garbage, and at that point well have a major problem on our hands. I dont want to live in a world like that. However, my family already recycles, and the only way i can think of right now in which we could reduce our output of garbage, is to consume less products in a day or a week. Less food or products consumed, less wrappers and garbage left behind. I know that i will try and reduce how much garbage i produce to try and prevent building another city of Garbage.
Vik Muniz really helped the community around ACAMJG in Brazil, i know that Vik could help other communities that live in poverty. There are lots of areas that live in poverty in the United states and other countries around the world. Vik could really help these people get on their feet and really help and improve the community they live. He could really help them provide oppurtunities for themselves like he did in Brazil.
20% Project: Morse Code
Every friday in my G and T class, my classmates and I are allowed to research any topic in the world that interests us. There were a lot of things that i was interested in to learn about, however it would take to long for me to actually learn about them. For example, i wanted to learn Greek. I wanted to learn how to speak Greek in like 5 weeks. However 5 weeks isnt long enough for me to actually learn the language. So i chose a topic that would be a little easier to learn about and give a presentation on in five weeks time. I chose to learn morse code, right now i am learning about the history of morse code and its inventor Samuel Morse. This is a fun and interesting topic to learn about, and i plan on mastering morse code in the next five weeks.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Terri Schiavo Class
In our G&T class we were discussing the case of terri schiavo and this is a summary of the case.In 1990 through 2005 a women named Terri Schiavo lasped into a coma. It started on febuary 25th when she collapsed on the floor of her home in full cardiac arrest. She suffered massive brain damage from lack of oxygen, and after being in a coma for about two and a half months her condition or diagnosis was elevated to vegitative state. There were various experimental therapies attempted in the next two years on her by doctors hoping to return terri to a state of awarness. Eight years after she fell into the coma, in 1998 Micheal Schiavo petition the court to remove her feeding tube according to the Florida Statutes section 765.401. Terri's parents didn't approve of this petition and opposed him. The base of their argument to keep her alive was that she was conscious. In the next couple of years the court favored Mr. Schiavo's side of the argument and removed her feeding tube for the first time on April 24th, 2001 for a few days and then reinserted again. On Febuary 25th, 2005 her feeding tube was removed, but put back in a few days later. However, on March 18th 2005 the feeding tube was permanately removed and she died on March 31.
I do believe that the removal of the feeding was justified, because she wasn't going to ever wake up from coma based on what doctors said. she went through various experimental therapies, and she didn't respond to the therapies performed on her. These therapies were supposed to raise her mental awareness, but since she did not respond to them in the slightest way, we can assume that she had no mental awareness at all. Also 15 years is a lot of time, and if she didn't wake up from the coma already, there is a very slim chance she will ever wake up at all, she would have most likely stayed in her vegetative state till she died and started decomposing. she was wasting medical equiptment, and a lot of money. Also her legal guardian (her husband) said that she would have wanted him to pull the plug. That is why i think that the removal of the feeding tube was justified.
I do believe that the removal of the feeding was justified, because she wasn't going to ever wake up from coma based on what doctors said. she went through various experimental therapies, and she didn't respond to the therapies performed on her. These therapies were supposed to raise her mental awareness, but since she did not respond to them in the slightest way, we can assume that she had no mental awareness at all. Also 15 years is a lot of time, and if she didn't wake up from the coma already, there is a very slim chance she will ever wake up at all, she would have most likely stayed in her vegetative state till she died and started decomposing. she was wasting medical equiptment, and a lot of money. Also her legal guardian (her husband) said that she would have wanted him to pull the plug. That is why i think that the removal of the feeding tube was justified.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Contraversial Issues
Natural Reproduction
9.Cloning: The creation of an organism that is an exact genetic copy of another.
3.Carrier testing: Genetic tests of parents that show the risk of passing on a genetic disorder
8.Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis for Non-deleterious Traits: Fertilization of sperm and egg in a Petri dish. Embryos are screened for genes of non-deleterious traits (such as hair color, height, sex). Those with desired genes are inserted into the female reproductive tract via a syringe in a doctor’s office.
6.Artificial Insemination: Insertion of sperm into female reproductive tract by syringe in a doctor’s office
7.In Vitro Fertilization: Fertilization of sperm and egg in a Petri dish. Viable embryos are chosen and inserted into the female reproductive tract via a syringe in a doctor’s office.
5.Prenatal testing: genetic screening of fetus for genes that cause disorders
8.Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis for Diseases: Fertilization of sperm and egg in a Petri dish. Embryos are screened for a certain genetic disorder. Those without the defective gene are inserted into the female reproductive tract via a syringe in a doctor’s office.
4.Fertility drugs: Prescription drugs which increase a woman’s chance of becoming pregnant This is a list of some controvertial issues in our society. The issue that i think is the most controvertial is a 9 and the least is obviously a 2. I think that cloning is the most controvertial issue because i think it would be creepy to have exact image of me walking around pretending to be me. What if he gets into trouble and blames me. The second most contravertial issue is pre-implantation genetic diagnosis for diseases, because it is nasty, and it seems to me to be a wrong method. The third one Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis for Non-deleterious Traits is pretty bad, i listed it as an eight just the second one, because in my opinion they're both pretty nasty, and just seem wrong. The in vitro fertilization seems wrong to me thats its the fourth most contravertial, the method is pretty gross. The artificial insemination is the next most contravertial because it also seems gross, and just wrong, and unnatural. The next one isnt bad, it is Prenatal testing, it tells you what kind of disorders the kids have. The next one is fertility drugs which makes you more suceptible to have a baby. The final one i think is carrier testing, which tests what kind of disorders your kid will have.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
A review for Gattaca
This movie is set in a non too distant future where people genetically engineered. However not everyone is engineered and there are a handful of people who are conceived through natural means. Our main character is named Vincent and he belongs to this group of "inferior people" as the other group of people call them. In the future there is no prejudice against race, religion, or skin tone. There is prejudice against peoples gene, and they segregate the people who are no genetically engineered who are called invalids from the people who are engineered who are called valids. The movie states that the whole point to the method of genetically engineering someone was to make sure that they would not have a chance to develop diseases like cancer or other harmful diseases. However this method took a sort of greedy turn and people started engineering the way their kids would look and how their characteristics in life would be like. So this was bad idea: it caused strife mean, this was a bad movie in my opinion, but the plot was interesting.
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